I have read this topic about Google Sandbox from a blog when I’m looking for answer regarding why my posts are not crawled, indexed and ranked immediately by Google. I’m looking for this answers on the web because I have seen that my posts ranked very low with its keyword that it supposed to rank. The blog is entitled: Will Mass Directory Submission Get Your Website into Google Sandbox? In this post I realized what I did not do to make my blog ranked high in search engines. I thought at first time that gaining a PageRank will do the rest but I was wrong. I was so afraid to submit this site to a lot of directories thinking of the “Google Sandbox Effect” but my paranoia was all wrong. I should have submitted my site if I have the chance last month.

Now, I know what to do. Even it is already too late for me with the recent Busby SEO Challenge competition to deal with this problem still I have to do what should I do. By the way I concluded that my blog is not ranked high because I found out that my rank on Cebu Seo Contest entry is nowhere to be found. I see it is indexed but I can’t see it anywhere in the Google result pages (even in top 500:) 🙂 I thought it was the sandbox effect but it is not. It is me that lacks something to make it rank. Google just don’t see it so important to be ranked that’s why my post, my Cebu Seo Contest entry is invisible.

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