The free VPN service from Cloudflare called WARP is here. The fastest in the west and east in terms of DNS, is now in an app called WARP with an added VPN (virtual private network) features that let you protect your internet connection private and safe. If you wish to download it, click >> WARP app <<
Steps On How to Install Latest MariaDB on AlmaLinux , CentOS, Oracle Linux
To install the latest version of MariaDB on AlmaLinux, you need to add MariaDB repositories. To install version 10.7 of MariaDB, execute the following to add the MariaDB repo to your system: curl -LsS -O sudo bash mariadb_repo_setup –mariadb-server-version=10.7 Next is to install MariaDB using the following: sudo dnf install mariadb-server mariadb After installing […]
My Acer Travelmate B3 TMB311-31 Laptop Review – Laptop for Kid’s Online Class
With Covid-19 everything are different. The classes of my kids are not the usual face to face class that we’re familiar with. At first I let my kids used cellphones for their classes but the problem with cellphones is its limited screen size and features that is difficult for young kids to adapt with. It […]
Globe’s GCash Cash-in via Paypal Issue: Fund Not Reflecting in Account
MY GCash App Cash-In via Paypal Bug Experience I decided to pay my bills today using my GCash account and fund it using my Paypal account. I have a spare cash (about P9,249.32) in my Paypal account and tap the Cash-in thru Paypal button in the GCash App. The app confirmed the transaction and then […]
Inconsistencies of GLOBE Customer Service: My Bad CS Experience
There are two major mobile network provider here in the Philippines, Globe and Smart. Other minor telecom companies are actually under these two giants so your choices are limited to this two competing networks. So if you have issues with the other one then you can shift to the other one but the problem is […]