MY GCash App Cash-In via Paypal Bug Experience

I decided to pay my bills today using my GCash account and fund it using my Paypal account. I have a spare cash (about P9,249.32) in my Paypal account and tap the Cash-in thru Paypal button in the GCash App. The app confirmed the transaction and then I checked my balance in the GCash dashboard. I was surprise when I saw that my balance didn’t change and so I thought there’s just a minor delay.

But I’ve read the GCash FAQ (see below) and found out that this is not just a delay in the transaction but a possible issue that requires me to contact GCash’s customer service.

So I send a private message to GCash Care and send the details specified in the FAQ. They replied but it seems that they don’t have any system yet to deal with such issue and told me that “We need to immediately resolve your concern. For me to do this, I will be endorsing your concern to our specialist for further support so we can get back to you once we have an update.”

As of this moment, I’m still waiting for the update and I’m hoping that they will refund my money. I’m really disappointed right now and I thought I will always use the GCash App to pay for my bills but with this kind of hassles and “psychological torture of waiting” for updates lead me to be discouraged to use this app again for my future transactions.

The Possible Cause of the GCash + Paypal Bug

It seems that this GCash bug is in the app’s failure to send an amount for the item purchased to Paypal.  From the details of my transaction it seems that the app didn’t send a value for the price or cost of the purchase. As shown in the screenshot of the transaction below, there’s no value for the Item Amount but there’s a value for the Total value which  might be the root cause of this issue. I’m not actually sure about this but if this is a repetitive issue that GCash App user’s encountered then they should look into this and fix this issue immediately to avoid further inconvenience for their users.

So What Now?

Well, I can’t do anything about this but to wait for the update from GCash Care who didn’t give any time for me to expect for this issue to be resolved. This will test again my patience and I hope I can “bear with this pain” of waiting.


I contacted GCash via Facebook Messenger to follow up this incident but I’m not getting a timely response from them so I decided to call the GCash hotline, 2822. The problem is that there’s no option for a GCash Customer Service so what I did is I called Globe’s hotline 211 and asked them to connect me to GCash. It took me 25 minutes waiting for someone to talk to me about the matter. The GCash CS informed me that the fund will be refunded in 2-3 days and I got the refund the night that I called them.

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