Latest News About Windows 7

What’s up with Windows 7 today? It is not yet officially released but a lot of its build can be found on torrent sites already. I myself have downloaded it, not from torrent but from Microsoft’s official build and installed it with my new MSI Notebook. I am using the Windows 7 Build 7000 and […]

IE8 Explored

I really like Mozilla Firefox compared to Internet Explorer as my browser. I find it fast and reliable. But when I checked on the STATPRESS of this blog, I found out that the top users who visited my site uses IE7 and IE6 as their browsers and Firefox 3 and 2 falls only on the […]

Rogue Viruses / Badware Keeps on Attacking Sites

I discovered several sites again today which I will not mention on this post that is infected by the same virus that infected it last year but with slight modification on the malicious code. Some websites I know were also hacked and defaced. The problem is that sometimes, you can’t discover it until you find […]