Microsoft Windows 7What’s up with Windows 7 today? It is not yet officially released but a lot of its build can be found on torrent sites already. I myself have downloaded it, not from torrent but from Microsoft’s official build and installed it with my new MSI Notebook. I am using the Windows 7 Build 7000 and I think the latest build for this OS is Build 7048. Currently Microsoft stop the release of beta and you could get them from torrent sites only which honestly don’t know if it is legal or not but more likely its not. Now as far as I could try it on my notebook PC, I found the new OS faster than its previous version and it really fits well on my notebook PC. So far if it will be released, I am convinced to acquire it soon.

Now, I’ve read from Reuters today that one additional feature that they’ve put on their latest build is the abilitiy of users to disable embedded software like the Internet Explorer 8 and the other stuff that is usually bundled on Microsoft’s OS. This let users, if they will know it how, disable the use of the browser and download from the internet different browsers from the net such as Firefox, Google Chrome and others. This is maybe their move to get themselves away from the “antitrust” issues that they’ve been facing for a couple years already because of embedding essential softwares on their operating systems.

Here are some related articles that you could read about this latest update on Windows 7:

  • turning-windows-features-on-or-off.aspx
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Harry@Free Online Movies

Windows 7 is a fail. Prefer XP or Vista.

Albert@Windows 7
15 years ago

The RC is out now. FYI Acer accidentally revealed a possible October 23 release or before