Removal and Prevention of Infections is a website is listed to be suspicious and contains several exploit scripts and trojans that might harm and infect computers. Google marked it as not safe for browsing. I first encountered on a website that I am working on and seen how and where it infects the website. What the trojan did on […]

Latest News About Windows 7

What’s up with Windows 7 today? It is not yet officially released but a lot of its build can be found on torrent sites already. I myself have downloaded it, not from torrent but from Microsoft’s official build and installed it with my new MSI Notebook. I am using the Windows 7 Build 7000 and […]

Google Err on January 31, 2009

Just a couple of minutes ago, I’ve seen that almost all the keywords that I am searching in Google were all marked as harmful. I’ve seen all the search results were marked as “This site may harm your computer.” I thought I have a malware on my PC or another Google Hijacker penetrates my computer. […]

IE8 Explored

I really like Mozilla Firefox compared to Internet Explorer as my browser. I find it fast and reliable. But when I checked on the STATPRESS of this blog, I found out that the top users who visited my site uses IE7 and IE6 as their browsers and Firefox 3 and 2 falls only on the […]

Google Browser Released Today

Oh my, Google will be releasing this September 2 U.S. time their very own open-source browser. They named it as Google Chrome. As the official blog of Google entitled: Fresh Take on Browser announced which I actually first read from Nihar’s Post:, this new browser from Google will be designed as faster and robust […]