New Carpets and Rugs Portal Released

A new portal today was released that lets picky and wise home shoppers today surf and search for different floor decors that fits to their budget and desired design. This portal is called (as of today, the site was not renewed). It contains a list of different kinds of area rugs with their respective […]

Defining Sulumits Retsambew

I am really fond of playing with the different kinds of search engine competitions. Actually this is the kind of event that all the SEO thing started on me. I compete and learned a lot of things in search engine optimization (SEO) from the different competition that I have undergone. This is also the venue […]

I Am Into Chrome Lately

Lately, I’ve been using Google Chrome a lot compared to the usual browser that I use which is the Mozilla Firefox. Its because I always suffer slow down and sudden freezing of my PC whenever I open Firefox. My time is so valuable that I just can’t wait for the Firefox to load. I don’t […]

Blog Updates this Month

I changed my current theme to Hybrid News, the child theme by the Hybrid Theme framework. As you can see, has a simple new and professional look now. I am still revising the WordPress theme so that it can provide several features such as sticky post and featured articles. I am also working on […]

Removal and Prevention of Infections is a website is listed to be suspicious and contains several exploit scripts and trojans that might harm and infect computers. Google marked it as not safe for browsing. I first encountered on a website that I am working on and seen how and where it infects the website. What the trojan did on […]