Today, I’ve checked the traffic of my website and seen how Yahoo! helps me with the traffic (of course 2nd only to Google). Almost all the referrers for this website came from Yahoo’s search result pages and I’m really thankful that my site started to become more visible on the net. Because of this “slurping activities” of Yahoo on my site, I started to become curious about the latest Yahoo and Microsoft merging plans so I checked on which I usually visit whenever I want to read topics about new reports on technology.

According to their report (which can be found at, Yahoo rejected the proposal to sell its search business to Microsoft. The report also states that Yahoo also rejects the hand over of the remainder of the company to Carl Icahn. Carl Icahn is an American billionaire

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16 years ago

I wish I knew how to get better rankings in Yahoo. I know almost nothing of getting traffic from Yahoo and I really should considering they are HUGE. I am somewhat versed in Google, but apparently not good enough as traffic is just starting to hit my new blog (the one I linked.)

As for the Yahoo/Microsoft thing, I’m glad Yahoo is rejecting Microsoft’s bid. I’m sure Microsoft thought they would hand it right over! But Yahoo’s too smart and instead Microsoft suffered public humiliation.

A couple of years from now Yahoo might offer to buy Microsoft!

16 years ago

Here’s the ultimate answer to everything hehe: