Roxas City, Capiz Philippines. I officially announce that officially joins the latest Busby SEO challenge for the year 2008 brought by Busby Web Solutions. It’s my first participation to the Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) world cup competition and I’m using my new domain to participate the said “Busby SEO Challenge” keyword world cup challenge. Actually I have join several local SEO challenge in the Philippines and win one of the mini-SEO challenge but this is my first ever participation in a world wide competition which is participated by the best of the best search engine optimizers, gurus, masters and specialists.

This competition was sponsored by Busby Web Solutions and $5,000, $2,000 and $500 cash prizes respectively are at stake. Many SEO specialists from all over the world will participate on the said Busby SEO Challenge including the team who joins the previous SEO Contest 2008. So this will be a tough fight for everyone and it will be like a “Suntok sa Buwan” for me. (Punch to the Moon, i don’t know if this is translated right :D, its a local dialect that’s simply means impossible.)

I am not expecting to win this Busby SEO Challenge for so many reason. One reason is this entry of mine is so new, unoptimized and clearly beyond the other SEO entries made by veteran SE optimizers and SEO teams when it comes to visibility and number of backlinks. Another thing is still I’m too busy right now to fully focus on this Busby SEO Challenge and I’m having a hard time managing my time. One more reason is this is an individual entry of mine and I’ll be competing with different veteran SEO teams not only from the Philippines.

Well, what will I gain for the Busby SEO Challenge? Despite that I know that it will be hard for me to win the said Busby SEO challenge I will still participate. Actually, I just want to make this blog popular over Google and eventually make this more visible to other people from all over the world. The specific gain that I can possibly get from this Busby SEO Challenge is my site will be surely fully search engine optimized.

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16 years ago

bleuKEN joins Busby SEO Challenge…

This is the announcement of bleuKEN of his interest to participate to the latest Busby SEO Challenge. In line with this challenge, bleuKEN decided to create his own website and promote it at the same time….