For the second time around this year, I won a Blitz Tournament in Roxas City, Capiz. It’s a small chess tournament held in Roxas City Plaza in a best of 2 knock-out system tournament format with a time control of 10 minutes each players.

My last opponent on the game was Mr. George Aman from Cagay, Roxas City. I beat him on the first round as white playing Sicilian Open Game. At that time, I was confident that I will surely win the said tournament. I just need a draw on the second round and the trophy will be surely mine. That’s the reason that on the second game, my moves were so passive because I was playing black and I’m just asking for a draw. I played Sicilian Dragon and exchange queens earlier in the opening disregarding castling rights hoping for a quick draw. Instead of a draw I got zugzwang and lost badly.

Due to this result, we need to play a Sudden Death round where I play as white and should play to win with a time control of 5 minutes and 4 minutes for my opponent. In this last round, my opponent move passively and was knocked-out after his flags down.

This is another simple achievement for myself. It will change a lot of things. It will really boosts my confidence to play and will gain respects from my co-chess-players. Actually, it doesn’t matter to me! I just want to play chess, no more no less.

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