How’s the Busby SEO Challenge going?

When I peeked on the leaderboard for the Busby SEO Challenge today from Busby’s leaderboard and on Google’s search result on the said keyword, the usual leaders were the same SEO masters who leads last month’s result. I don’t even see any Filipino entrants who reaches first page of the SERP. I don’t know if […]

At Last Got on Top 100

When I was doing my usual surfing on the net this evening, while the storm hits our province, I decided to check my entry on busby seo challenge keyword contest by Busby Web Solutions. I found out that I managed to make this new website (at about 3 weeks old domain) to be included on […]

Google Dancing

Yesterday, I’ve checked the search result of for the key phrase “busby seo challenge” and Pogung was leading but now a different website have taken its position on number one. Another SEO master who is very determined to win (as based on his blog posts about Busby SEO Challenge), really started to tighten his […]

Pogung177 Takes Rank 1 at Busby SEO Challenge

When I check the Busby SEO Challenge Leaderboard today, I found out that Sphereteam were oust by Pogung177 on rank number one of the Google SERP. So I check on the site of Pogung177 and kind to like the guy’s posts and opinion about the current SEO challenge. He discusses how busby seo challenge participants […]